Ultimate Nostalgia: The Best Pokémon DS Game to Play in 2024

Step back in time and rekindle your love for the classics with the best Pokémon DS game of 2024. Experience the journey that shaped a generation, proving that true legends never fade.

Best Pokémon DS Game

I’ve always been a huge fan of Pokemon games, and I’m excited to share my picks for the best Pokemon titles you can play on your Nintendo DS. Each game offers a unique experience with a captivating blend of adventure and strategy that’s kept me glued to my DS for hours on end. Whether you’re a seasoned Pokemon Trainer or just starting out, these games promise to bring endless fun and epic battles as you strive to catch ’em all. Let’s dive into the world of Pokemon and see what adventures await in these top-notch DS games!

Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire – Best Pokémon DS Game

Best Pokémon DS Game omega ruby alpha sapphire

I highly recommend Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire for a nostalgic trip with improved graphics and engaging gameplay that’s perfect for long-time fans and newcomers alike.


  • Revamped graphics bring Hoenn to life
  • Mega Evolutions add a fresh twist
  • Expansive world with rich post-game content


  • May feel too familiar for veterans
  • 3D effects limited to certain areas
  • Lacks innovation in core gameplay

As someone who grew up playing the original Pokémon games, I was thoroughly impressed with how Pokémon Alpha Sapphire and Omega Ruby revitalized my cherished memories of the Hoenn region. The updated visuals are a treat, making the experience feel brand new yet familiar. Exploring the vast landscape, which is filled with diverse habitats, is an immersive experience that can keep you hooked for hours.

The introduction of Mega Evolutions adds a layer of depth to battles that was absent in the earlier games. It’s incredibly satisfying to see my favorite Pokémon transform and unleash their hidden potential. This feature alone brought a new level of strategy to my gameplay.

Another noticeable strength is the substantial endgame content. After the main storyline concludes, there’s still a wealth of activities to engage in, from the Battle Resort to the quest of catching all the Legendaries. It provided me with many extra hours of fun, making it a game I kept returning to.

On the other hand, players who know the original games like the back of their hand might find the sense of mystery somewhat diminished. The familiarity could be a drawback for those looking for an entirely new adventure. Moreover, the 3D capabilities of the Nintendo 3DS are underutilized, with only certain areas and features taking advantage of the technology.

Finally, while the game has made significant improvements in graphics and added new features, the core mechanics remain largely unchanged. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, as the gameplay is time-tested and beloved by many, but players seeking revolutionary changes in the series may have to look elsewhere.

Overall, Pokémon Alpha Sapphire and Omega Ruby strike an excellent balance between nostalgia and modernization. It’s a journey well worth taking, especially for those who have a fondness for the originals or those venturing into the Pokémon universe for the first time.

Pokémon Y – Best Pokémon DS Game

Best Pokémon DS Game pokemon y

If you want to embark on a vibrant 3D adventure with Pokémon, this game will captivate you with its rich world and gameplay.


  • Offers a rich, 3D graphical experience bringing the Pokémon world to life.
  • Enhances player-Pokémon bond through the interactive feature Pokémon-Amie.
  • Encourages global interaction with a seamless online connection for battles and trades.


  • May feel too familiar for seasoned players expecting a genre evolution.
  • Limited to the Nintendo 3DS family of systems, not playable on newer consoles.
  • The challenge level might not satisfy hardcore gamers looking for a tough victory.

Exploring the Kalos region in Pokémon Y, I felt a rush of excitement as I encountered an array of Pokémon, some familiar and some completely new. The depth of the 3D graphics and the dynamic battles gave me a fresh appreciation for the series. It felt like the creatures I was catching and training were actually there with me, ready for our next battle or to be cared for in Pokémon-Amie.

Navigating through the storyline and the diverse landscapes, I appreciated how Pokémon-Y’s world felt expansive yet accessible. The feature allowing me to pet and interact with my Pokémon deepened my sense of connection with my team. Experiencing these bonds grow stronger added a layer of enjoyment that went beyond just battling.

I found myself losing hours as I delved into the online features, which allowed me to connect with other Trainers globally. Trading hard-caught Pokémon with someone halfway across the world or facing off in a battle against a completely unseen opponent intensified the game’s appeal. It’s a kind of virtual tourism that’s both competitive and collaborative, fostering a strong sense of international community among players.

Pokemon Sun 3DS – Best Pokémon DS Game

Best Pokémon DS Game pokemon sun

If you’re in for a vibrant adventure in the Pokemon world, Pokemon Sun for the Nintendo 3DS offers an engaging journey that’s as refreshing as it is nostalgic.


  • Reinvents the classic Pokemon formula with a fresh setting and mechanics
  • Stunning graphics that breathe life into the islands of Alola
  • Charming story with memorable characters and Pokemon


  • Some may miss the traditional gym battles replaced by island challenges
  • Not as challenging as previous generations for veteran players
  • Limited post-game content compared to other series entries

Exploring the islands of Alola in Pokemon Sun has been an absolute delight. The new environment is teeming with colorful landscapes and exotic new Pokemon that kept me hooked for hours. I’ve enjoyed adapting to the island challenge replacing the traditional gym battles, finding the fresh take on progression to be a breath of fresh air.

I must mention the graphics, which are honestly the best I’ve seen on the 3DS system. Every town, forest, and beach is depicted in such stunning detail that it’s easy to get lost just admiring the scenery. Engaging with the locals and Pokemon in these vibrant settings felt genuinely immersive.

The story captivates with its depth and the new cast of characters who join you on your journey to become a Pokemon Champion. Although some twists were predictable, the narrative kept me entertained throughout. However, I did miss the tougher gym battles and found the challenges a bit on the easier side. Also, once the main storyline concludes, the options for what to do next felt somewhat limited, leaving me wanting more.

All in all, Pokemon Sun provides a solid experience filled with the joy of discovery and the pleasure of raising and battling Pokemon. Despite a couple of drawbacks, the game is a must-play for fans and newcomers alike, offering countless hours of enjoyment.

Ultra Moon Adventure – Best Pokémon DS Game

Best Pokémon DS Game pokemon ultra moon

I’d say Ultra Moon Adventure is a must-have for collectors and newcomers alike, thanks to its enriched content and engaging Alolan experience.


  • Enhanced storyline bringing a fresh perspective
  • Additional features make for a fuller experience
  • Engaging gameplay with plenty of post-story content


  • Might feel too familiar for veterans of the original Moon
  • Lacks innovation in gameplay mechanics
  • Some might find the additional content not sufficiently expansive

I recently got my hands on Ultra Moon Adventure, and what I found was a world teeming with vibrant creatures and colorful characters that drew me in from the start. The Alola region felt alive, with each island presenting new challenges and mysteries. It’s evident Nintendo poured effort into the additional storylines and features, giving the game a reinvigorated feel compared to its predecessors.

The expanded roster of Pokémon and the twist of encountering Team Rainbow Rocket added layers of depth that were a delight to explore. I appreciated how the game built upon the solid foundations of Pokémon Sun and Moon, all the while offering something new and engaging to keep me hooked. There was never a dull moment as I journeyed across the islands, eager to discover what awaited around each corner.

Yet, not everything felt like groundbreaking innovation. At times, the enhancements felt more like a spruced-up version of an existing template rather than a completely new experience. While this didn’t detract from my enjoyment, I could see how long-time fans might be yearning for more radical changes to the gameplay and structure. Nonetheless, my time in Alola was joyful, filled with wonder, and Ultra Moon Adventure offered enough content to satisfy my Pokémon Trainer aspirations.

Pokemon Moon for 3DS – Best Pokémon DS Game

Best Pokémon DS Game pokemon moon

I would wholeheartedly recommend Pokemon Moon for anyone seeking a refreshing twist on the traditional Pokemon gameplay.


  • Innovative changes to the classic formula enhance the experience.
  • The new region’s design adds a delightful tropical flair.
  • Engaging for both newcomers and series veterans alike.


  • Veterans might miss the traditional gym battles.
  • The pace might feel slow initially to some players.
  • Limited to the Nintendo 3DS family, not on newer systems.

Exploring the lush islands of Alola in Pokemon Moon, I was immediately struck by the vibrant environments and the unique cultural spin compared to previous games. The absence of traditional gym battles actually made this title stand out, as it offered new challenges and a fresh way to experience the role of a Pokemon Trainer.

I caught myself spending hours trying to catch all the new Pokemon, which showed the undeniable charm and depth the game possesses. The changes Nintendo implemented, like the Trial Captains and Totem Pokemon, introduced a new layer of strategy to my gameplay, which I found thoroughly captivating.

Between battles, I enjoyed simply soaking in the soothing music and the charming animations of the Pokemon. It never ceased to amaze me how even tiny details in Pokemon Moon were given so much attention, ensuring the world felt alive and teeming with excitement.

Though the traditional gym battles were missing and took some adjusting, the game did not lose its competitive edge. I appreciated the new complexities, but I understand it might not be everyone’s cup of tea. In truth, the shift in gameplay mechanics only deepened my appreciation for the series’ evolution.

As someone who’s followed Pokemon for years, I admire how Pokemon Moon keeps the series fresh while still maintaining that nostalgic spark. It’s a title that conjures a sense of discovery and fun that’s rare to find. Despite the pace feeling slow at times, it’s a journey worth taking, especially for those with a love for strategy and collecting.

HeartGold Adventure – Best Pokémon DS Game

Best Pokémon DS Game pokemon heartgold

I believe any Pokemon enthusiast would be thrilled with Pokemon HeartGold Version, thanks to its nostalgic value and innovative features like the PokeWalker.


  • Engaging nostalgia from the original Gold and Silver games
  • Included PokeWalker increases game interaction in the real world
  • Enhanced graphics and sounds breathe new life into the Johto region


  • PokeWalker might be an additional item to carry around
  • Limited by the original DS hardware capabilities
  • It’s a remake, so it may not attract players looking for all-new content

I recently revisited the Johto region in Pokemon HeartGold Version and was captivated by the enhanced details and sound quality. It feels like stepping into a familiar world that’s been given a fresh coat of paint, and the nostalgia hits right from the start. The touch-screen functionality adds a modern twist to the gameplay mechanics, making battles and menu navigation smoother than ever.

The PokeWalker is a unique addition that appeals to the side of me that loves to mix a bit of physical activity with gaming. Transferring my favorite Pokemon to the device and watching it grow as I walk is rewarding. It’s also a fun conversation starter, and finding new Pokemon and items is a delight. Even though the idea of carrying extra gear might not appeal to everyone, for those invested in the experience, it’s a pleasant way to extend the game beyond the confines of the DS.

What sets this version apart for me is the ability to have any Pokemon follow you around in-game—an endearing feature that adds depth to the bond between Trainer and Pokemon. Battling, trading, and connecting with other players through Wi-Fi or locally keeps the adventure interactive and dynamic. While the game doesn’t offer a brand new story, the execution of this remake is top-notch for both returning players and newcomers to the series.

Platinum Adventures Await – Best Pokémon DS Game

Best Pokémon DS Game pokemon platin edition

If you’re craving a nostalgic adventure with new twists, Pokemon Platinum for DS offers a refreshing journey through the Sinnoh region.


  • Engaging story with the introduction of the Distortion World
  • Multiplayer Wi-Fi Plaza enhances social play
  • New content like the Battle Frontier and character Handsome


  • Some may prefer the simpler format of earlier Pokemon games
  • Wi-Fi features may no longer work due to the DS’s outdated online service
  • Limited by the graphics of its time, which may not appeal to everyone

I recently had the pleasure of immersing myself in a familiar world revisited on the DS through Pokemon Platinum Version. The Sinnoh region never felt so vibrant and full of surprises, not least because of the enigmatic Distortion World, a place unlike any other in the Pokémon universe. The eerie ambiance and gravity-defying puzzles were a welcome divergence from the series’ norms.

Interacting with other players brings me back to my childhood, lounging with friends as we traded and battled. Even if today’s online services can’t fully replicate the original experience, the local multiplayer options still provide that sense of community and competition.

Additionally, the Battle Frontier introduced new challenges that I found myself returning to again and again. The increased difficulty and variety in battles tested the strategies I honed over the course of my adventure. Competing in different Frontier facilities, I couldn’t help but appreciate the depth and replayability they added to the game.

However, seasoned fans might find themselves missing the simplicity of the earlier Pokemon titles. The increased complexity and additional features in Platinum might overwhelm players who prefer a more straightforward experience. Others might feel the sting of nostalgia clashing with modern gaming expectations, particularly regarding the graphics, which are charming but cannot compete with newer handheld aesthetics.

That said, for those of us who enjoy a dose of nostalgia or wish to experience one of the best offerings in the series, Pokemon Platinum strikes a fine balance between preserving classic gameplay and presenting new adventures. Each session felt like a return to my childhood, yet still I discovered something new to marvel at, which is just as thrilling today as it was back then.

Buying Guide – Best Pokémon DS Game

When I’m shopping for a DS game, I consider several key features to ensure I get the best gaming experience. Here’s what I tend to look out for:

Gameplay Variety – Best Pokémon DS Game

I look for games that offer diverse gameplay elements. This can include a mix of puzzles, battles, and exploration. A good balance keeps the game engaging for longer periods.

Graphics and Sound – Best Pokémon DS Game

Though the DS is an older system, games with appealing graphics and soundtracks are still important for an immersive experience. I check for visual and audio quality consistent with the platform’s capabilities.

Replayability – Best Pokémon DS Game

Games with high replayability offer more value. I look out for titles with multiple endings, side quests, and unlockable content.

User Reviews – Best Pokémon DS Game

I often read user reviews to gauge the general sentiment towards a game. High ratings indicate a solid choice, but I also read through the specifics to ensure it matches my preferences.

Here’s a table that summarizes the features to consider:

FeatureWhy It’s Important
Gameplay VarietyKeeps the game engaging and enjoyable.
Graphics & SoundEssential for a good immersive experience.
ReplayabilityProvides more entertainment value.
User ReviewsOffers insight into other players’ experiences.

Finally, I take note of the game’s age rating to ensure it’s suitable for the intended player. By evaluating these aspects, I can make an informed decision and enjoy my gaming experience to the fullest.

If you liked this blog post about the topic: “Best Pokémon DS Game”, don’t forget to leave us a comment down below to tell us about your experience with it.

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Steven Huck

Hey, I'm Steven, a Pokémon enthusiast from Zurich, Switzerland.
Pokémon has been a lifelong fascination for me, and I've decided to share my insights and inspirations with you through this blog.
From in-depth analyses to personal anecdotes, I hope to ignite your passion for Pokémon.
When I'm not exploring the Pokémon world, I'm hitting the gym or out in nature, seeking new adventures.
Join me on this journey as we celebrate all things Pokémon!

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