is a website that operates independently, focusing on lots of different Pokemon content and trying to help our visitors get the knowledge they are seeking.
Our team produces comprehensive reviews, thoughtful analyses, and critiques about different Pokemon content in written format.
This policy outlines our editorial approach. Should you believe our content does not meet these guidelines, we encourage you to reach out to us.
Our Reporting Practices
We strive to deliver narratives based on our observations and ensure their precision to the best of our ability. While we do incorporate AI to craft initial drafts, we thoroughly review and enhance the content by integrating our personal insights, expert interviews, and articles.
We always seek responses from individuals or organizations when reporting on sensitive or private information, especially if it could be seen as unfavorable.
Should new information surface post-publication, we are committed to updating our articles or writing new ones promptly.
We diligently check for factual inaccuracies in our reporting and will issue corrections if errors are identified.
Individuals or entities featured in our stories are allowed to respond. If you feel misrepresented or wish to add to a story, please contact us.
We endeavor to verify information from sources, whether they are on the record or anonymous, before publishing. Source confidentiality is of utmost importance to us, and we do not compensate sources for information.
In cases where we report on content from other outlets, we give clear acknowledgment and link to the source when possible.
Our reporting may involve travel to cover various events, games, and organizations. Any travel or accommodation provided by third parties is disclosed in the associated articles.
Our Professional Conduct
We regularly interact with game developers, publishers, and other entities, maintaining professional relationships with their creative and PR teams.
We respect embargoes and NDAs when necessary, provided they do not hinder the truthfulness or integrity of our reporting.
If we face industry ‘blacklisting,’ we remain committed to our high standards of reporting and analysis, unaffected by such situations.
We do not publicly discuss such incidents unless they significantly impact our editorial duties or delay important publishing, such as reviews.
Our editorial team does not accept promotional gifts.
Unsolicited promotional items may be sold, given away, or donated at our discretion.
Staff and contributors must not engage in “mock reviews” or paid consulting for game developers or content creators. Furthermore, they cannot write about companies they’ve been associated with in the past two years.
Advertising & Commercial Activities
At, the editorial and advertising branches operate independently. The content presented on our website is solely determined by the editorial team without any commercial influence.
Our advertising teamis committed to integrity, fairness, and transparency in all interactions with advertisers.
We decline any advertisements that initiate sound without user action or display offensive material. We also reject ads with inappropriate content and will take action to remove them should they appear on our site. Should you have concerns about our advertising standards, please reach out to us.
On occasion, we include retailer links, such as Amazon, and earn commissions from purchases made through these links. These affiliate links do not sway our editorial judgment. They are included only in relevant articles and are presented using impartial language, such as: “Order [this product] from Amazon.”